Omnibot: Mobile furniture baseline development

Omnibot driving furniture in arena during interactive control test

Semester Project 2021 Fall at BioRob and Reconfigurable Robotics Lab with 6.0/6.0.

This project is funded by the CIS Research Pillar, Intelligent Assistive Robotics Grant.
Supervisor: Prof. Auke Ijspeert, Dr. Anastasia Bolotnikova, Dr. Alessandro Crespi,

Project Goal

The project aims at extending an Omni-directional Drive Robot Platform from scratch to a fully functional mobile robot that can drive furniture around according to user needs. The project includes 4 parts:

  1. Mechanical part:
    • Design and implement attachment-configuration from the robot platform to various kinds of furniture.
    • Extend the platform modules according to user demands (Bluetooth, LED, sensors).
  2. Electronic part:
    • Extend the default board coming with the robot platform from a limited stand-alone system to a system allowing for interactive control and module extension.
    • Optimizing the circuit design with our custom PCB.
    • Implement the teleoperation of sensors/actuators on the robot platform with ROS_Serial via Bluetooth.
  3. Algorithm part:
    • Real-time localisation with Optitrack.
    • Navigation with simplified visibility graph and A*.
    • Interactive control including program, voice and gesture interfaces.
    • Android application development for mobile furniture remote control.

Project repo archived at internal Gitlab (requires EPFL access).

The Android application control interface with joystick and buttons.

Android application

Update 2022-02: Our custom PCB arrives! Custom PCB

Demo playlists:

More details to be found in the report and slides.

Chuanfang Ning
Chuanfang Ning
Msc Student in Robotics @ EPFL

Versatility makes Vision. Practice makes Proficiency.