FPGA master unit design for LT24 Display on DE0-Nano-SoC

LT24 LCD displaying test image
Final project for EE-473 Embedded Systems
Students: Alexander Sigrist, Chuanfang Ning
Lecturer: Prof. René Beuchat
  • Master unit design for LT24 LCD display ILI9341 controller on DE0-Nano-SoC FPGA.
  • Softcore processor hardware programming with VHDL in Quartus.
  • Simulation and verification of the design in Modelsim.
  • Integration of the LCD display with a TRDB-D5M camera of our partner group to build a live streaming system.

Demo with camera:


More details can be found in the report.

Chuanfang Ning
Chuanfang Ning
Msc Student in Robotics @ EPFL

Versatility makes Vision. Practice makes Proficiency.