Multi-dimensional portal rendering with WebGL

Snapshot of the rendered scene
Final project for CS-341 Introduction to computer graphics
. Top 3 projects of the year.
Students: Benjamin Hug, Chuanfang Ning, Yannick Goumaz
Lecturer: Prof. Mark Pauly
  • WebGL programming to render a scene with a portal on GPU.
  • Across-world Shader & Lighting model implementation.
  • Navigation in the scene with keyboard and teleoperation when entering portals.
  • Fluid distortion effect on portal surface with special shader.
  • Switch portal connection when player lookes away from it. (Depth buffer check)


Our team won the top-3 ICG project for year 2021. Full stream here.

Chuanfang Ning
Chuanfang Ning
Msc Student in Robotics @ EPFL

Versatility makes Vision. Practice makes Proficiency.