Basic mobile robot design with Thymio

Final project for MICRO-452 Basics of mobile robotics with 6.0/6.0
Students: Chuanfang Ning, Erfan Etesami, Hugo Miranda Queiros, Laura Boca de Giuli
Lecturer: Prof. Francesco Mondada

This is the course project of Basics of mobile robotics. The project goal is to have a minimal but comlpete mobile robot pipeline design on Thymio robot. The project covers basic components of a mobile robotic task as shown below:

  • global mapping with Arcuo markers and HSV
  • path planning with A* on visibility graph.
  • kalman filter with odometry and camera.
  • motion control with waypoints following.
  • local avoidance with left-wall following.
  • robust to kidnap and unexpected disturbance.
  • live visualisation of camera, filtered estimation and uncertainties.


Chuanfang Ning
Chuanfang Ning
Msc Student in Robotics @ EPFL

Versatility makes Vision. Practice makes Proficiency.