Pin matrix support mechanism for 3D printing

Snapshot of the prototype at Jiading Campus, Tongji University.
Supervisor: Prof. Yu Wang, Xiaoyang Zhang
Group project with patent (CN110193929A)
Members: Chuanfang Ning, Yizhen Li, Yucheng Zhang, Zeling Long
  • Designed and prototyped a supporting mechanism with 400 pins that can move and lock independently to support different less-supported shape during additive manufacturing.
  • Developed a C++ program with simple user interface to convert a 3D-print model automatically into a complementary supporting shape.
  • Drove 25 servo motors to drive the 400 pins to form the generated supporting shape.
Chuanfang Ning
Chuanfang Ning
Msc Student in Robotics @ EPFL

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