(Ongoing) Deep learning method for mobile furniture skeleton localisation

Supervisor: Prof. Auke Ijspeert, Prof. Alexandre Alahi, Dr. Anastasia Bolotnikova, Dr. Alessandro Crespi,
Students: Chuanfang Ning, Lixuan Tang

I am working as a Research Assistant at Biorob this semester to continue on my semester project : “Omnibot: Mobile Furniture Baseline Development” in collaboration with Lixuan Tang.

  • We are extending the Omnibot design to multiple copies which prepares for a swarm robotics framework.
  • We are evaluating our current OpenPifPaf skeleton localisation model on the Omnibot with the help of key-point localisation with Optitrack system.
  • We are facilitating the OpenPifPaf localisation model with real and synthetic data for Omnibot use cases.
  • We will improve the OpenPifPaf network structure for furniture localisation based on the test performance.

To be updated.

Chuanfang Ning
Chuanfang Ning
Msc Student in Robotics @ EPFL

Versatility makes Vision. Practice makes Proficiency.