MPC Control of Quadcopter

Final project for ME-425 Model Predictive Control
Lecturer: Prof. Colin Jones
  • MPC controller design in matlab with Gurobi and Casadi optimizer.
  • linear MPC for decomposed quadcopter systems
  • offset-free MPC tracking regulator in case of fluctuating quadcopter mass
  • non-linear MPC for integral quadcopter system
Trajectory following with combined linear MPC controller
Trajectory recovery from mass disturbance with offset-free MPC controller
Trajectory following with non-linear MPC controller
Quadcopter trajecotry following with combined linear MPC controller
Quadcopter states during offset-free MPC simulation
Quadcopter states during NMPC simulation
Chuanfang Ning
Chuanfang Ning
Msc Student in Robotics @ EPFL

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